Product Description

For coffee & planet lovers

The Evergreen Capsules® are reusable and ecological capsules compatible with Nespresso®, Dolce Gusto® and many more systems. Save money and at the same time help saving the planet and the future generations.
If this is your first order, we recommend you choose one of our options with the tamper included (capsule + 1 tamper).

Benefits of the Evergreen Capsules® 

 Reuse your capsules and avoid throwing away hundreds of capsules every year.

 Save up to 85% on your coffee expenses using the Evergreen Reusable Capsules for years.

 Perfect for a gift
 You can offer the Evergreen Capsule® to a family member, eco-responsible friends, or any coffee lover. Chose our pack of 3 capsules Evergreen® and offer them to several people at a reduced price.

 The Evergreen Capsule® is made 100% of stainless steel, without bisfenol A (BPA), which makes it non-toxic when hot, contrary to the classical one-shot capsules. Furlan has also been found in single-use capsules, a carcinogenic element that you will never find in the Evergreen Capsules®.

 Easy to use
 The capsules are very easy to wash, by hand or in the dishwasher. We also offer you a little brush to wash more efficiently the capsule.

 Local businesses first
 You will be able to choose any ground coffee. Either from your local roaster (make sure to select an espresso grind), the supermarket, or our own coffee roasted and ground specifically for the Evergreen Capsules® (here). 

Check the savings & impact our capsules can make

[savings-calculator per_kg="15"]